The Short-circuit Local Reads Feature Cannot Be Used Because Libhadoop Cannot Be Loaded


Il y a des paquets binaires,Pas besoin de compiler

          tar            -zxvf spark-            2.ii            .1            -bin-hadoop2.            seven.tgz                  

Définir les variables d'environnement

          consign SPARK_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            2.ii            .1            export PATH=$PATH:$SPARK_HOME/bin                  

Modifier le profil
Ajouter la configuration suivante

          spark.master                 yarn spark.eventLog.enabled            true            spark.eventLog.dir     hdfs:            /            /            Linux121            :            9000            /spark/logs spark.serializer                          org.apache.spark.serializer.              KryoSerializer            spark.yarn.jars        hdfs:            /            /            Linux121            :            9000            /spark/spark_2.            2.1_jars/*                              


          consign JAVA_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/jdk1.            8.0_301            export HADOOP_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/hadoop-            ii.9            .2            export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)            export YARN_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop                  


          ln            -southward            /opt/lagou/servers/hive-            2.3            .vii            /lib/mysql-connector-java-            v.1            .46            .jar            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            2.2            .1            /jars/mysql-connector-coffee-            five.1            .46            .jar                  

Inhdfs Créez le chemin configuré et spark jarTélécharger

                      [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# hdfs dfs            -mkdir            -p            /spark/logs            [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# hdfs dfs            -mkdir            -p            /spark/spark_2.            2.1_jars/            [root@Linux122            jars]# hdfs dfs            -put            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            2.2            .ane            /jars/*.jar /spark_2.2.1_jars/                              

ModifieryarnConfiguration, En raison de fifty'insuffisance des ressources de la car virtuelle
La vérification de la mémoire réelle sera désactivée

                                    <property>                                      <proper name>            yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled<            /name>                          <value>                        false            <            /value>            <            /property>                  

Tester l'accès spark-shell

                      [root@Linux122            conf]# spark-shell SLF4J:            Grade            path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.            SLF4J:            Found            binding in            [jar:file:            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            2.2            .1            /jars/slf4j-log4j12-            one.7            .16            .jar!            /org/slf4j/impl/            StaticLoggerBinder            .            class            ]            SLF4J:            Found            binding in            [jar:file:            /opt/lagou/servers/hadoop-            two.9            .2            /share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-            ane.7            .25            .jar!            /org/slf4j/impl/            StaticLoggerBinder            .            course            ]            SLF4J:            Found            binding in            [jar:file:            /opt/lagou/servers/tez/lib/slf4j-log4j12-              .10            .jar!            /org/slf4j/impl/            StaticLoggerBinder            .            form            ]            SLF4J:            See            http:            /            /            for            an explanation.            SLF4J:            Actual            bounden is of type            [                          org.slf4j.impl.              Log4jLoggerFactory            ]            Setting            default            log level            to            "WARN"            .            To            adjust logging level use sc.            setLogLevel            (newLevel)            .            For            SparkR            ,            apply            setLogLevel            (newLevel)            .            22            /            02            /            03            00            :            02            :            58            WARN                          util.              NativeCodeLoader            :            Unable            to            load            native            -hadoop library            for            your platform.            .            .            using builtin-coffee classes where applicable            22            /            02            /            03            00            :            03            :            02            WARN                          shortcircuit.              DomainSocketFactory            :            The            short            -circuit local reads feature cannot be used because libhadoop cannot be                          loaded.                            Spark            context            Web            UI available at http:            /            /            172.16            .131            .130            :            4040            Spark            context available as            'sc'            (master            =            yarn,            app id            =            application_1643816826080_0001)            .            Spark            session available as            'spark'            .            Welcome            to            ____              __            /            __/__  ___ _____/            /__     _\ \/            _ \/            _ `/            __/            '_/            /___/            .__/\_,_/_/            /_/\_\   version            two.2            .1            /_/            Using            Scala            version            2.11            .8            (            Java            HotSpot            (TM)            64            -            Bit            Server            VM,            Java            1.8            .0_301            )            Type            in expressions            to            accept            them                          evaluated.                            Type            :help            for            more than information.            scala>                  

Calculs d'essai

          scala>            val lines            =            sc.            textFile            (            "/wcinput/tmp.txt"            )            lines:            org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[            Cord            ]            =            /wcinput/tmp.txt            MapPartitionsRDD            [            v            ]            at textFile at                          <console>                        :            24            scala>            lines.            flatMap            (_.            carve up            (            " "            )            )            .            map            (            (_,            1            )            )            .            reduceByKey            (_+_)            .            collect            (            )            res4:            Array            [            (            Cord            ,            Int            )            ]            =            Array            (            (Coffee,            5            )            ,            (            Linux            ,            4            )            ,            (hadoop,            7            )            )                  


i. Décompresser le paquet d'installation pour définir les variables d'environnement

[root@Linux122 servers]# unzip livy-0.5.0-incubating-bin.naught
Configurer les variables d'environnement

          export LIVY_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/livy-            0.v            .0            consign PATH=$PATH:$LIVY_HOME/bin                  

ii.Modifier le profil

            127.0            .0            .ane            livy.spark.master=yarn livy.spark.deployMode=cluster livy.repl.enable-hive-context=            truthful                  


          export SPARK_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            two.ii            .i            export HADOOP_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/hadoop-            2.9            .2            /            export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop                  

Créer united nations fichier journal

                      [root@Linux122            livy-            0.5            .0            ]# mkdir logs                  

Démarrer le service

                      [root@Linux122            livy-            0.v            .0            ]# nohup bin/livy-server            &                  



                      [root@Linux122            servers]# tar            -zxvf elasticsearch-            5.6            .0            .tar.gz                  

ii. Modifier les permissions de l'utilisateur de fichier

ESÇa ne marche pasrootDémarrage de l'utilisateur,Créer des utilisateurs et des groupes d'utilisateurs

                      [root@Linux122            servers]# groupadd elasticsearch            [root@Linux122            servers]# useradd elasticsearch            -g elasticsearch            [root@Linux122            servers]# chown            -            R            elasticsearch:elasticsearch elasticsearch-            5.six            .0            /            (            -            R            Récursivement pour exécuter            )            [root@Linux122            servers]# ll drwxr-xr-ten.            vii            elasticsearch elasticsearch            131            Sep            7            2017            elasticsearch-            five.6            .0            [root@Linux122            elasticsearch-            v.6            .0            ]# ll total            224            drwxr-xr-x.            two            elasticsearch elasticsearch            4096            Feb            3            13            :            52            bin drwxr-xr-ten.            two            elasticsearch elasticsearch            75            Sep            7            2017            config drwxr-xr-ten.            2            elasticsearch elasticsearch            4096            Sep            7            2017            lib            -rw-r--r--            .            1            elasticsearch elasticsearch            11358            Sep            7            2017            LICENSE.txt drwxr-xr-10.            13            elasticsearch elasticsearch            236            Sep            7            2017            modules            -rw-r--r--            .            1            elasticsearch elasticsearch            194187            Sep            seven            2017            Find.txt drwxr-xr-x.            ii            elasticsearch elasticsearch            6            Sep            vii            2017            plugins            -rw-r--r--            .            1            elasticsearch elasticsearch            9549            Sep            7            2017            README.textile            [root@Linux122            elasticsearch-              .0            ]#                  

3.ModifierLinuxParamètres du noyau

                      [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# vim            /etc/security/limits.conf  elasticsearch hard nofile            1000000            elasticsearch soft nofile            1000000            *            soft nproc            4096            *            hard nproc            4096            [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# vim            /etc/sysctl.conf  vm.max_map_count=            262144            Effectuer les modifications de commande suivantes pour prendre effet            [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# sysctl            -p vm.max_map_count            =            262144                  


                      [root@Linux122            guchenfei]# vim            /opt/lagou/servers/elasticsearch-            5.half dozen            .0            /config/elasticsearch.yml            0.0            .0            .0            ModifierJVMAllocation de mémoire(            En fonction des ressources propres            )            /opt/lagou/servers/elasticsearch-            five.6            .0            /config/jvm.options            -            Xms1g            -            Xmx1g                  


                      [root@Linux122            config]# su elasticsearch            [elasticsearch@Linux122            elasticsearch-            5.half dozen            .0            ]$ ls bin  config  lib  LICENSE.txt  modules  NOTICE.txt  plugins  README.cloth            [elasticsearch@Linux122            elasticsearch-            v.6            .0            ]$ bin/elasticsearch            -            d            (            -dIndique le démarrage de l'arrière - plan)                  

Insérer la description de l'image ici


          curlicue            -XPUT http:            /            /            Linux122            :            9200            /griffin            -d '            {                                           "aliases"            :            {                                           }            ,            "mappings"            :            {                                           "accuracy"            :            {                                           "properties"            :            {                                           "name"            :            {                                           "fields"            :            {                                           "keyword"            :            {                                           "ignore_above"            :            256            ,            "blazon"            :            "keyword"            }            }            ,            "type"            :            "text"            }            ,            "tmst"            :            {                                           "type"            :            "date"            }            }            }            }            ,            "settings"            :            {                                           "index"            :            {                                           "number_of_replicas"            :            "2"            ,            "number_of_shards"            :            "5"            }            }            }            '                  


                      {                                           "acknowledged"            :            true            ,            "shards_acknowledged"            :            truthful            ,            "index"            :            "griffin"            }                  

Quatre.GriffinCompiler l'installation


                      [root@Linux122            servers]# unzip griffin-griffin-            0.5            .0            .zip                  

2.mysqlCréer une base de données

          mysql>            create database quartz;                  

3.Initialisation de la base de données

                      /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /service/src/primary/resource/            Init_quartz_mysql_innodb            .sql                  

Insql Script plus use quartz;
Mise en œuvresqlScript

                      [root@Linux123            ~            ]# mysql            -uroot            -p123456                          <              Init_quartz_mysql_innodb              .sql mysql>                        testify tables;            +            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            +            |            Tables_in_quartz            |            +            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            +            |            QRTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS            |            |            QRTZ_CALENDARS            |            |            QRTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS            |            |            QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS            |            |            QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS            |            |            QRTZ_LOCKS            |            |            QRTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS            |            |            QRTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE            |            |            QRTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS            |            |            QRTZ_SIMPROP_TRIGGERS            |            |            QRTZ_TRIGGERS            |            +            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            +            11            rows in prepare            (            0.00            sec)                  


                      [root@Linux122            resource]# hdfs dfs            -mkdir            -p            /spark/spark_conf            /opt/lagou/servers/hive-            2.3            .7            /conf/hive-site.            xml            (            Cette machine place les fichiers correspondants dans hdfs,            Ce fichier est divisé entre le customer et le serveur            )            [root@Linux122            conf]# hdfs dfs            -put hive-site.xml            /spark/spark_conf                  

five. Assurez - vous que les variables d'environnement sont configurées

          export JAVA_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/jdk1.            viii.0_301            export SPARK_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/spark-            ii.2            .1            consign LIVY_HOME=            /opt/lagou/servers/livy-            0.v            .0            export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop                  


(1). Modifier le fichier de configuration pour supprimer les commentaires sur ce


                      113                          <dependency>                        114                          <groupId>            mysql<            /groupId>            115                          <artifactId>            mysql-connector-java<            /artifactId>            116                          <version>            ${                     }            <            /version>            117            <            /dependency>                  


                      [root@Linux122            resources]# cat awarding.backdrop # #            Licensed            to            the            Apache            Software            Foundation            (ASF)            under one # or more than contributor license                          agreements.                            See            the Detect file # distributed            with            this            piece of work            for            boosted information # regarding copyright                          ownership.                            The            ASF licenses            this            file #            to            you            nether the            Apache            License            ,            Version            2.0            (the #            "License"            )            ;            you may not use            this            file except in compliance #            with            the            License.              Yous            may obtain a copy of the            License            at # #   http:            /            /            2.0            # #            Unless            required by applicable police or agreed            to            in            writing,            # software distributed under the            License            is distributed on an #            "Equally IS"            BASIS,            WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF Whatsoever # KIND,            either express or                          unsaid.                            Run into            the            License            for            the # specific linguistic communication governing permissions and limitations # under the            License            .            # server.port=            9876            spring.application.proper name=griffin_service spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:            /            /            Linux123            :            3306            /quartz?autoReconnect=            true            &useSSL=            false            spring.datasource.username=root jump.datasource.countersign=            123456            spring.jpa.generate-ddl=            true            spring.datasource.commuter-            form            -name=                          com.mysql.jdbc.              Driver            bound.jpa.testify-sql=            true            #            Hive            metastore hive.metastore.uris=thrift:            /            /            Linux123            :            9083            hive.metastore.dbname=hivemetadata hive.hmshandler.retry.attempts=            15            hive.hmshandler.retry.interval=            2000ms #            Hive            enshroud fourth dimension            900000            #            Kafka            schema registry kafka.schema.registry.url=http:            /            /localhost:            8081            #            Update            job case state at regular intervals            60000            #            Expired            time of job example which is            7            days that is            604800000                          milliseconds.              Time            unit of measurement only supports milliseconds jobInstance.expired.milliseconds=            604800000            # schedule predicate chore every            five            minutes and repeat            12            times at most #interval time unit of measurement s:2nd thou:minute h:60 minutes d:day,merely support these 4 units predicate.job.interval=            5m predicate.chore.repeat.count=            12            # external properties directory location external.config.location=            # external BATCH or STREAMING env external.env.location=            # login strategy            (            "default"            or            "ldap"            )            login.strategy=            default            # ldap ldap.url=ldap:            /            /hostname:port              ldap.searchBase=DC=org,DC=example ldap.searchPattern=            (sAMAccountName=            {                                           0            }            )            # hdfs            default            name fs.defaultFS=            # elasticsearch            Linux122            elasticsearch.port=            9200            elasticsearch.scheme=http # elasticsearch.user            =            user # elasticsearch.password            =            countersign # livy livy.uri=http:            /            /localhost:            8998            /batches livy.need.queue=            imitation            livy.job.max.concurrent.count=            20            livy.task.submit.interval.2nd=            3            livy.task.appId.retry.count=            3            # yarn url yarn.uri=http:            /            /            Linux123            :            8088            # griffin outcome listener internal.event.listeners=            GriffinJobEventHook            [root@Linux122            resources]#                  


Modifier comme suit:

                      26            org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass=                          org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.              StdJDBCDelegate                  


Modifierhdfs Chemin de configuration en haut

"spark.yarn.dist.files": "hdfs:///spark/spark_conf/hive-site.xml"


          "api": "http://Linux122:9200/griffin/accuracy",                  

Créer un chemin intérieur de configuration

                      [root@Linux122            env]# hdfs dfs            -mkdir            -p            /griffin/persist                  


                      /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.five            .0            [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.5            .0            ]# mvn            -            Dmaven            .exam.skip=            true            clean install                  


                      [ERROR]            [ERROR]            ERROR in            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /ui/angular/node_modules/            @types            /jquery/            JQuery            .d.ts            (            1784            ,            30            )            :            Cannot            notice name            'SVGElementTagNameMap'            .            [ERROR]            Mistake in            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /ui/angular/node_modules/            @types            /jquery/            JQuery            .d.ts            (            1784            ,            73            )            :            Cannot            observe proper noun            'SVGElementTagNameMap'            .            [ERROR]            Mistake in            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /ui/angular/node_modules/            @types            /jquery/            JQuery            .d.ts            (            8706            ,            29            )            :            Cannot            notice proper noun            'SVGElementTagNameMap'            .            [ERROR]            ERROR in            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /ui/angular/node_modules/            @types            /jquery/            JQuery            .d.ts            (            8706            ,            84            )            :            Cannot            notice name            'SVGElementTagNameMap'            .            [Fault]            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            Linux            iii.ten            .0            -            1160.el7.x86_64            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            argv            "/opt/lagou/servers/griffin-0.5.0/ui/.tmp/node/node"            "/opt/lagou/servers/griffin-0.5.0/ui/.tmp/node/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js"            "run"            "build"            [Error]            npm ERR!            node v6.            11.3            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            npm  v3.            ten.x            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            code ELIFECYCLE            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            griffin@0.0.0            build:            `ng build`            [Mistake]            npm ERR!            Go out            status            1            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            [Mistake]            npm ERR!            Failed            at the griffin@0.0.0            build script            'ng build'            .            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            Make            sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            If            you            exercise            ,            this            is nearly likely a problem            with            the            griffin            package            ,            [Mistake]            npm ERR!            not            with            npm            itself.            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            Tell            the author that            this            fails on your system:            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            ng build            [Error]            npm ERR!            You            can go information on how            to            open            an            issue            for            this            projection            with            :            [Error]            npm ERR!            npm bugs griffin            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            Or            if            that isn't available,            you lot can become their info via:            [ERROR]            npm ERR!            npm possessor ls griffin            [Mistake]            npm ERR!            In that location            is likely additional logging output in a higher place.            [Mistake]            [Error]            npm ERR!            Please            include the following file            with            any            support asking:            [Fault]            npm ERR!            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /ui/angular/npm-debug.log            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            Reactor            Summary            for            Apache            Griffin            0.v            .0            0.5            .0            :            [INFO]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            0.5            .0            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SUCCESS            [            nine.269            s]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            UI            ::            Default            UI            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            FAILURE            [            01            :            03            min]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Spider web            Service            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SKIPPED            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Measures            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SKIPPED            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            BUILD FAILURE            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            Total            time:            01            :            13            min            [INFO]            Finished            at:            2022            -            02            -            03T22:            16            :            37            +            08            :            00            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [ERROR]            Failed            to            execute            goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:            1.half dozen            :npm            (npm build)            on project ui:            Failed            to            run            task:            'npm run build'                          failed.                org.apache.eatables.exec.              ExecuteException            :            Process            exited            with            an            error:            1            (            Exit            value:            1            )            ->            [            Assist            ane            ]            [Error]            [Error]            To            see the full stack trace of the errors,            re-run            Maven            with            the            -e            switch            .            [Error]            Re            -run            Maven            using the            -            10            switch            to            enable            full debug logging.            [Mistake]            [Error]            For            more data almost the errors and possible solutions,            please read the following manufactures:            [Mistake]            [            Help            1            ]            http:            /            /            MojoFailureException            [ERROR]            [ERROR]            After            correcting the bug,            you lot can resume the build            with            the            command            [ERROR]            mvn                          <args>                        -rf            :ui            [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.5            .0            ]# mvn            -            Dmaven            .test.skip=            true            clean install            [INFO]            Scanning            for            projects.            .            .            [Alert]            The            project org.apache.griffin:griffin:pom:            0.5            .0            uses            prerequisites            which is just intended            for            maven-plugin projects just not            for            non maven-plugin                          projects.                            For            such purposes y'all should use the maven-enforcer-                          plugin.                            Meet            https:            /            /            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            Reactor            Build            Order            :            [INFO]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            0.v            .0            [pom]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            UI            ::            Default            UI            [pom]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Web            Service            [jar]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Measures            [jar]            [INFO]            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            -            <            org.apache.griffin:griffin            >            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            -            [INFO]            Building            Apache            Griffin            0.5            .0            0.five            .0            [            1            /            4            ]            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [            pom            ]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            -            [INFO]            [INFO]            --            -            maven-make clean-plugin:            2.v            :clean            (            default            -clean)            @ griffin            --            -            [INFO]            Deleting            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.v            .0            /target            [INFO]            [INFO]            --            -            mav                  

Supprimer la ligne correspondante en fonction du message d'erreur
Continuer la compilation( J'ai compilé avec des sources étrangères, donc j'ai évité quelques erreurs )

                      [INFO]            [INFO]            --            -            maven-install-plugin:            two.five            .2            :install            (            default            -install)            @ measure            --            -            [INFO]            Installing            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /measure/target/measure-            0.5            .0            .jar            to            /root/            .m2/repository/org/apache/griffin/measure/            0.five            .0            /mensurate-            0.5            .0            .jar            [INFO]            Installing            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /measure/pom.xml            to            /root/            .m2/repository/org/apache/griffin/measure/            0.5            .0            /measure-            0.5            .0            .pom            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            Reactor            Summary            for            Apache            Griffin            0.5            .0            0.five            .0            :            [INFO]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            0.5            .0            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SUCCESS            [            5.451            s]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            UI            ::            Default            UI            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SUCCESS            [            01            :            37            min]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Web            Service            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SUCCESS            [            21            :            xxx            min]            [INFO]            Apache            Griffin            ::            Measures            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            .            SUCCESS            [            09            :            11            min]            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            BUILD SUCCESS            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            [INFO]            Full            time:            32            :            25            min            [INFO]            Finished            at:            2022            -            02            -            03T22:            51            :            17            +            08            :            00            [INFO]            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --            --                  


                      /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /service/target            [root@Linux122            target]# cp service-            0.v            .0            .jar            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.v            .0            /measure out/target            [root@Linux122            target]# cp measure-            0.5            .0            .jar            /opt/lagou/servers/griffin-            0.5            .0            /griffin-measure.jar  Téléchargerhdfs            [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.5            .0            ]# hdfs dfs            -mkdir            /griffin            [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.5            .0            ]# hdfs dfs            -put griffin-measure.jar            /griffin/                  

(viii)Démarrer le service

                      [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.v            .0            ]# nohup java            -jar service-            0.5            .0            .jar            >            service.out            2            >            &            1            &            http:            /            /            Linux122            :            9876            [root@Linux122            griffin-            0.5            .0            ]# tail            -f service.out                  

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